Here are a few I had never seen of my mom growing up & then raising my two older sisters, and graduating from nursing school.

mom's christening (mid 1940s)

my mom & sisters (late 1950s) LR: Aunt Donna, Patti, JoAnn, my mother Eileen.

Mom at in her 20s, holding my sister Michelle, age 2 in front of the house where I grew up.(1972) My favorite! She really did have such style!(wish it were less blurry)

Mom with sisters Michelle, & Chisty. (1970s) I love the blouse. That's very mom. She still likes to wear that sort of thing and thinks it's pretty hilarious that it is still somehow in style. I must mention that hair! I'm quite jealous...

Mom graduating from nursing school, with my Grandma Hellen. (1980s) she was pregnant with me at the time or perhaps I was just born. Adorable in her little hat, and uniform. Yes, that was 40s uniform style coming back into style in the 80s. She wore it up until I was about 13.She just liked the old style.
These are really wonderful and I'm glad to have them. I do feel closer to my mom having seen all these lives that she has lived...and she is still young! Not a gray hair on her head.
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