Shortly after listing my 1940s oxfords from The Higbee Co. manufactured by E.P. Reed & Co. in Rochester N.Y. I was very happily surprised to be contacted by Beth at "The Shoe Factory Art Co-Op" now currently occupied in none other than the very building where my shoes were made by hand! How cool is that?!
Men at work making shoes at the E.P. Reed & Co.

I applaud the efforts of the art co-op, which promotes, creative work, and recycling of architecture with a history!
Beth has done some research on the factory, and was kind enough to share some of the images she has uncovered which to me are truly fascinating!
The label as seen in the shoes in our shop...

& here are the same shoes featured in a spread in LIFE magazine's September issue in 1941!

"Now come shoes that are not only a sight for sore eyes, but a scientific miracle...E.P. Reed & Co. Rochester N.Y. manufacturers of these amazing shoes, have christened these shoes MATRIX, because MATRIX is the word for mould, and that is literally just what they are... [ ] Your Foot Print in Leather!"

"They're dream pretty, you'll be proud!"

Visit the facebook page!

a website is underway.
Shop these shoes! 1940s CUT-OUT oxford heels (6) $219

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